Only when she was not looking as she has been super busy I grabbed him when she let me out and was having fun sunning with him in the back yard when I forgot about mommy until she snuck up on me and caught me. She was not too happy, but she let me play since she said I was having so much fun with Ducky and just to make sure and not leave him outside again and not to chew on him too hard. Which was nice of her, I mean, it is not like she is playing with me right!! She has been so busy she has not walked me in three days, she told me I could get two extra walks once she was done to make up for it, but she hurt her lower back lifting that wooden chest yesterday and is moving really slow today, and she has a deadline, 10 am Friday morning! Doubt she is going to make it but she says as long as she can take frequent breaks to rest her back she will stay up all night to get the house in tip top shape for potential home buyers to walk through.
One thing she did do tonight though was let me play with Dakota from next door, a 1 year old black lab who lives in the house Jake used to live in so I had a lot of fun big time!!!!!! We played for 1 hour while mom mowed the yard and weed wacked, it was nice. I am very tired but hate going to bed without mommy but she wont go to bed until tomorrow some time as she is busy, but I had a nice play session and hope to have more. Dakota is a cute one, she is not Jake but she is a close second, nothing like having a soft furry animal buddy to snuggle up to. Just hard to keep up with her as I am a geriatric fella and she is a prime young pup. I am just not he young man I used to be, but here is to still trying!
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