Thursday, April 30, 2009

I got caught!

Damn!!  I brought ducky out again to play and mommy caught me, she was not too happy because Ducky had complained the last time I took him out because I was playing with Jake and I forgot about Ducky, or was it that I played too hard with Ducky but what ever reason mommy told me I could not bring Ducky back out again, he was an inside toy.

Only when she was not looking as she has been super busy I grabbed him when she let me out and was having fun sunning with him in the back yard when I forgot about mommy until she snuck up on me and caught me.  She was not too happy, but she let me play since she said I was having so much fun with Ducky and just to make sure and not leave him outside again and not to chew on him too hard.  Which was nice of her, I mean, it is not like she is playing with me right!! She has been so busy she has not walked me in three days, she told me I could get two extra walks once she was done to make up for it, but she hurt her lower back lifting that wooden chest yesterday and is moving really slow today, and she has a deadline, 10 am Friday morning!  Doubt she is going to make it but she says as long as she can take frequent breaks to rest her back she will stay up all night to get the house in tip top shape for potential home buyers to walk through.

One thing she did do tonight though was let me play with Dakota from next door, a 1 year old black lab who lives in the house Jake used to live in so I had a lot of fun big time!!!!!! We played for 1 hour while mom mowed the yard and weed wacked, it was nice.  I am very tired but hate going to bed without mommy but she wont go to bed until tomorrow some time as she is busy, but I had a nice play session and hope to have more.  Dakota is a cute one, she is not Jake but she is a close second, nothing like having a soft furry animal buddy to snuggle up to.  Just hard to keep up with her as I am a geriatric fella and she is a prime young pup.  I am just not he young man I used to be, but here is to still trying!  

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I almost got killed today!!

Whew!! I had a close call with death today and it left me a little shaken for at least an hour today.  Mommy has been trying to get the house ready for the Realtor and for the public to come and look at the house.  The Realtor told mommy to move some furniture around and remove some from certain rooms to make rooms look bigger.  Well today mommy was having a difficult time moving this handmade wooden chest up the stairs and finally reached the top, I was at the bottom of the steps supervising, and she let go to move something that was in her way and then it happened!!  I heard mommy scream, "NO, NO, NO!!!"  Two times and I was frozen and mesmerized by this wooden chest doing flip flops back down the stairs and heading right for me!! I moved in the absolute last minute and mommy cried.

She was so worried the wooden chest was going to seriously hurt me and I seriously had only seconds to move before it landed at the base of the stairs.  The funny thing is, that handmade wooden chest survived the tumble down the steps and it did not crash into any of the walls nor did it scrape or damage anything on it's way down.  I was amazed, which goes to show you that if you are going to buy anything of good quality, you probably want to purchase something hand made.  Those can take a licken and keep on ticken, or better yet, they can take a tumble and live on to rumble.  OK, OK, so I can not find anything that will rhyme with tumble but my point is the wooden handmade chest was so well made it survived a fall down the steps and lets face it, if you had purchased something store bought, assembled via assembly line, I doubt it would have survived. 

That was my only adventure today if you do not count getting the chance to sniff the AC man's crotch twice, LOL, mommy was so embarrassed as usual but I just could not resist getting a sniff in as it was right there, right at nose level, so I smelled.  It is not like I buried my nose in his crotch, but hey, given the chance.  What is really funny is how these repairmen that I do it too try and act like nothing is going on, which makes me wonder if they actually like it you know??!!!

I mean, mommy will raise her voice firmly and say no!!  And they just say "Oh it is OK" and keep on talking to her, as if nothing was going on but something was going on, my nose was in their crotch, but like I said, not a one tried to stop me or move, not a single one and I am 10 1/2 years old and I have been doing this since I was a puppy so over the years I think I have accosted at least 12 repairmen, and not a one flinched.  Go figure ;-))))

Well, it has been a long day today, mommy stained the deck yesterday and then it rained today and it was not calling for rain, and she has been packing and cleaning and fixing and just watching her today as exhausted me, at one point she actually looked at me and said, "do you think you can grab this end for me" then she laughed.  You know you would think that my daddy, the dead beat ex, would help mommy out with getting this house ready for market, but hey, he wont even help her in the sharing of repair work that needs to be done to this house like he is supposed to per the court agreement, but that is another entry, do not feel like thinking about him right now but another funny thing is this, he actually asked the Realtor is mommy was being cooperative and what is funny is that this is coming from a  man who is supposed to help with repair costs and wont fork over a penny, so really, which one is being cooperative and uncooperative?? ;0(

I have this saying in canine world, "If you leave shit to be stepped in you too will step in shit", you really need to learn how to treat others like you would want to be treated, it is sooooo simple

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Love is in the air!!

Now,  I have to say I love spring!!!  All the birds and flowers and tons of time I spend outside with mommy just make my heart leap for joy.  Plus the warm weather is a blessing, I love to lay on the deck and sun myself while listening to the birds sing in the trees.

You can just see the joy in my face as I gaze up with such love and merriment.  It is during this time, spring time, that I find myself loving all things around me.  Even the air is filled with a myriad of aroma's that wet my mouth and make me want to drool puddles and puddles on the deck.

I am not speaking about romantic love, my love is Jake, I am speaking about the love which equals the depths of being re-born, like loving a new you, spring brings forth new beginnings, life to the dead, it awakens the spirit which has been shut in by the cold and dark winter.  I love life, and I love spring because it is a reminder that those things that are in the past and gone, are gone, a new beginning is right around the corner.  

Now you may wonder what kind of new beginning can a canine be talking about, well you see, a new beginning means a new city to live in, a new home, being closer to family, helping mommy start her life again, in a new direction, living the adventure, it is fitting that she is planning to move us to another state, to a new home, to be closer to her family, our family, and it is poetic and more meaningful to me that we are about to embark on this new adventure in the spring time.  Spring is a metaphor as new bulbs, buds, petals all push their way through the thorns and thickets and dead leaves and dried twigs to reach the sunlight and bloom and blossom.

My mommy and I have been doing this for a very long time, since daddy left, and then since her mommy died, we have endured years and years of long cold winters, but now spring is here, literally here, and mommy has been pushing and fighting her way through all the dead leaves, dried grass, thickets and thorns and twisted and knotted debris that only winter has, to begin to bloom and blossom, she is almost at the point to where all flowers reach the sun and open up and drink in it's warmth.

She is so close right now, and the move and enrolling full time in school will be her breaking through the dark, cold bitter season of heart ache and loss.  Through it all, she had me and I have her and together we will set out on this journey and together we will make a happy new home and enjoy all the sunshine life has to offer us.  This is why I love spring because not only is it really here but metaphorically is has been a long time coming and I welcome it with open arms.  

Friday, April 24, 2009

Come on I dare you! Touch my ball and see what happens!!

Go ahead, try it, just try it!!  Do not for one second think you can come into my yard and try and take my ball from me!!   Mommy and I live next to a day care center, our yards back up to one another and we are separated by a fence.

Those little tykes keep trying to take my ball from under the fence, sometimes I forget when I am playing not to leave my ball too close to the fence, mommy has had to retrieve many a toy from the day care children's little grubby pudgy fingers after they have worked their slinky little arms under the fence and grabbed my balls and toys.  We did not notice that the fence has a large hole in it near the end but now we do.  

I was playing ball with mom and left it near the fence and came and sat by mommy on the deck and was sunning myself when I looked up and noticed the kids going after my ball using a stick to bring it closer to them, well enough is enough, I ran to my ball and just dared them to try.

 A few mean looks and a few loud barks and the little sweet darlings got the hint.  Doubt I will have a problem with them again but lets just say those little fingers better never come across my property line to go after my toys again as I will have to drag them over and make them my new play thing.

Well, I did it, I pushed mommy out of the house and into the car and drove her to the park for a nice long walk.  It is so beautiful outside and mommy was and has been busy with getting things ready and paying bills and all sorts of boring stuff so I just grabbed her and went.

We had fun, at first it was a little scary having mommy as a back seat driver, always yelling at me to slow down and yelling when the light was yellow!  Whew was I glad when we got there and I gladly gave her back the keys and told her she could drive.  I wonder how she feels now being the passenger, she never hears me barking at the top of my lungs when she takes a curve too fast and I slide in the back and talk about those sudden stops she likes to make for animals in the road like squirrels, just run them over already!!! Anyway, we had a nice long walk, met some new friends on the walk and she let me off leash which was nice too.

Then we did some errands together, I love it when she takes me shopping with her, did you know that Home Depot lets you go inside their store with your owner!!???  THEY DO!! Mom was told she could do this when she was buying carpet back in September and they told her to bring me in and not leave me in the car, she thought they were pulling her leg but the carpet guy said "no, bring your dog in we love pets and we would rather have them in our store than in a car"  so she went and brought me in and everyone loved me and we had an awesome time shopping together.  So now when ever she goes there I go with her as she knows how much I love meeting new people plus they give me treats.

Then we came home, and played in the back yard.  We had a good day today and the weather was great and tomorrow it is going to be even nicer and although she will be very busy, we will still have fun as I will make sure she enjoys the day and makes time for herself and me as well.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mommy is still grieving

Mommy is not doing well, at least I do not think so.  Since her mother died two months ago, she just isn't the same anymore.  She used to talk to me, joke around with me, but she does not talk anymore, or laugh with me. 

Sometimes I see her smile when she is on the computer or watching TV or maybe when she is on the phone, but it never lasts.  The other day I overheard her say that she feels dead inside, like a part of her died when her mother died.

She seems to be living in a state of darkness, no light, no joy, each day she seems farther and farther away from me.  I try and give her my sad look but sometimes she does not even notice it.  She seems so sad, like today she was on the phone with customer svc and they asked her to verify her account and asked her what her mother's maiden name was and my mommy just broke down on the phone.  I just sat next to her, I could not do anything.  If only I could speak.

I would tell her funny jokes or maybe speak to her and tell her what I did today and maybe even tell her what I saw the neighbor's dog doing to the cat that wanders the neighborhood, but doubt she would have enjoyed that.  I feel like walking around with a sign that says, "dog needs walk"  mommy has forgotten to take me on walks the lat two days.  She just seems to be in another world.  She is very busy though, trying to put the house on the market, but my daddy wont help her with any of the repair costs and costs needed to get the house ready for market.

He left mommy for a skanky skank of all skanks and they bought a house together, anyway, he is not worth mentioning because why waste my breath on a man who was never there for me anyway.  Mommy was the one who really took care of me and took me on super long walks and I am talking about walks that lasted over an hour, through the forest and on trails, swimming, she did everything with me, all daddy wanted to do was stick his cheating nose in his computer and email the skank, which is probably why he never went with us, it gave him time to chat via email.

I think mom needs a vacation but she is too busy to take one, now if I could convince her to take one maybe she would take me with her.  Maybe I can get her to take me swimming tomorrow, what I need to do is get her out of this house!!!! I need to get her to start taking me on walks again, playing ball at the park again, taking me to the lake again, taking me for walks in downtown again!!!  I need her to remember our relationship, spend time together, she is pushing everyone who is close to her away.  She can not push me away because we live together.

I think I am the only one who can really help her right now, what it all comes down to is I am the only one who is really here for her and the closest family she has.  She has me, but she really does not see me. Not right now, her grief is too great.  I somehow need to get through to her, and well if all else fails, I suppose I can start ripping up the couch cushions or marking in the house but that just is not the response I want to get, I want her to look at me and remember me as her best friend, the friend that LOVES her UNCONDITIONALLY and is ALWAYS here for her and WILL always be here for her no matter what.

Tomorrow is a new day, I will get her out of the house, on a long walk, no worries about bills or mowing the yard or cleaning the house just a nice walk with me and she will remember our bond and remember and realize I am here to help her through her grief because that is what a loyal companion does, we support those we treasure and I treasure her just as much as she treasures me.  They don't say dogs are a mans best friend for nothing right!!!  I will help her through her grieving!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It has been 6 days of roughing it out in the cold, hiding in the tall grass of my owners home!  My master Outlaw who always played with me ever so gently (take a look at my picture as it is evidence of the beastly man handling I have been through) decided to share me with his friend Jake.

Outlaw brought me out at first just to show Jake how cute and soft I was and to let him hear what kind of cute squeaky sound I make when he ever so gently puts me in his mouth and applies lite pressure but then his excitement most have over taken him as I became a real chew toy, a tug toy and was discarded after  what seemed like hours of abuse by the two dogs and I hid.  

I fond a tall patch of grass, a few actually in the yard and I stealthily manoeuvred myself from each one ever few minutes to keep from being found.  While Jake was playing with Outlaw he really did not look for me all that much but once Jake left I continued to hide as I feared Outlaw had gotten a taste of me so to speak and was going to continue the harsh abuse so I remained hidden until today.  But I have not made it in the house yet due to fear but the owner of the house is getting ready to mow the yard and it is either the sharp blades of a powerful engine or the not so sharp teeth of an aging dog.

My choice is not looking good right now, maybe I can plead my case with the owner, oh wait here she comes, she spotted me, damn!!!!  Wait a minute she looks a little sad to see me in the condition I am in, oh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, she brushed me off and soothed my hair and put some of my stuffing back into my head, she says she will fix me up like new and encourage Outlaw to play with me only in the house and gently.  How nice, only thing is do I trust her?????  Well for now, that is all I can do but from watching her with Outlaw I think she is a woman of her word.  I think I am finally in good hands, hopefully the jaws of the old beast will prove to be just as gentle and good.  I only have so much stuffing left before I become an empty shell.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My friend

Well, sadly my best friend left after our last play session last Friday.  We had so much fun together and this time I did not limp after he left.  My old body was getting used to the activity and all my kinks had worked themselves out.

Jake and I played until we were too tired to do anything else but rest next to one another.  We were playing with one of my favorite toys, a yellow squeaky ducky, could not find it anywhere.  I call it "Ducky" I know simple but hey, it fits and I like it.  

Mom said we would eventually find it.  Jake and I just enjoyed the cool grass under our bellies and the attention our mommies were giving us as we rested and enjoyed each other's closeness.  Jake lives in New York, upstate New York and it gets very cold up there.  Mommy plans on taking me to see him sometime this summer for vacation, I am really looking forward to this as Jake lives in a very nice house and it in on 2 acres of land, so we can play and play and play all day.  Hmmmm, mommy may need to bring a lot of pain med's but i am sure she will.

This time after Jake left I did not try and go with him.  I think I hurt mommy's feelings the last time when I tried to jump in the care with Jake.  So this time I showed mommy I loved her and did not try and hop into the car, instead I sat next to her and put my head in her lap so she would pet me and she did.  She is so loving towards me.  We plan on moving soon and it will be such an adventure to take an 8 hour car trip with her, and my sister well, she will need to be sedated as I am not sure she will last in her crate for the entire 8 hours.

Plus I do not feel like listening to her meowing all the way there either.  Well, mommy is ready for bed and is about to turn out the lights so I need to end this and go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow and I sure hope we find Ducky, he has been missing since Friday and I really love him, he is my favorite toy!!  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Second play session with Jake

Ahhh, how sweet today was.  Mommy again surprised me with another visit with Jake, the love of my life.  Jake and his mommy came to our house and Jake and I played and played, it was so fun, Jake even kissed me and then he whispered how much he has missed me and how he loves me and how he never wants us to be apart again.  We played for a very long time and mommy said Jake's is coming back tomorrow morning to play again and I am so happy.

Although our play session was fun, I was very upset when Jake's mommy called him to her to leave.  When I heard her call for him I ran over to her and tried to get her to take me too.  I ran to the gate with Jake and when mommy opened the gate I ran out onto the driveway, I could hear mommy calling me to come back but I ignored her, then she grabbed me by my dog color and held me as Jake's mommy put him in the car.  then Mommy accidentally let go and I ran from her and she chased me around Jake's car and caught me just as I was about to hop in with Jake's mom who was sitting in the driver's seat.   Mommy kept telling me NO, NO, NO, and I was like, YES, YES, YES, I want to go with Jake.

But then she said the magic words, "Do you want to go for a walk" and I left Jake's car and ran to the porch for mom to put my leash on me, and then we went for a walk and mommy said she understood how much I loved Jake, but sometimes we have to say good bye but Jake would come back tomorrow for one more play session before he and his family left to go back to New York.  I will be sad when he is gone, but truthfully, I am getting too old to try and hump Jake anymore, which is what I try to do the whole time he is with me, after Jake left, I was limping at the end of my walk and we were only gone for 20 minutes.

Mommy rubbed me and massaged me again and gave me a pain pill as my limp was as bad as it was on Sunday.  I felt better after mom rubbed me, for some reason I really respond well to her massages, and now I feel fine.  I just have not played like that since Jake left over a year ago.
But, all is well, I feel better and after my play session tomorrow I am sure mommy will rub me again and I even heard her say she will take me swimming as swimming is good for me.  She really loves me, and I love her.  Well, I am hitting the bed so I can get some rest so when Jake comes tomorrow I can play and enjoy him before he leaves until the next time we can see each other and who knows when that will be???

Mystery about my sibling's torment

So, this is Mandy, my sister.  Mommy and I finally found out what was wrong with her and why she was acting out towards me, she actually had an ingrown toe nail!!! OUCH! She never showed pain, and it was on Easter Sunday that mom found it.

Mandy was sitting on mom's lap and mom was holding her paws and noticed how warm the left front was and she noticed the nail on one of her toes was curled under and when mommy looked she found out that it curled all the way into Mandy's pad and it looked painful.  Poor Mandy, she would not let mommy look at it, so mommy took her right to the emergency pet hospital and they removed it and gave mom antibiotics and told her to buy some new cat littler so Mandy would not get any of those tiny little litter in her open wound.

So Mommy did that and guess what, when Mandy got home she came right up to me  and rubbed up against my leg and arched her back and purred.  I guess she was trying to tell me she was sorry for acting so poorly towards me but she was in pain and irritable and was acting out. Since the nail has been removed Mandy has been very nice to me.  Gentle and sweet and cuddles up with me, I guess she loves me after all and was not trying to be the demonic cat I thought she was turning into.  She is my sister and I love her, glad she is better.  But she did stalk me when I was a puppy and I can prove it, just check out the photo of me sleeping in my crate the first week home and how she was studying me.  But we are good friends now and I would not trade her in for anything.  She is a keeper.

Monday, April 13, 2009

First day home

Yep, that is me,  my first day in my new house at 8 weeks of age.  I remember the day I first met mommy, she and my then daddy, came to the breeder's home and looked at all my brother's and sister's.  I was being held by the breeder's son and mommy had not seen me until she was about to leave and noticed me in the little boy's lap.

She went over to him and asked if she could hold me, he reluctantly gave me up.  Mommy held me in her arms and then she turned me over and cradled me with my face facing hers, I was asleep but I could hear her say, "He is so precious and he is letting me hold him with his tummy exposed, he is not fighting me" and then I yawned and opened my eyes and we looked at each other and I gave her a kiss on her chin, ( a little dog lick) and then I nestled my head into her chest and went back to sleep.

Mommy was a hooked and so was I.  She said I picked her but she picked me.  My first day home was so special, mommy made me feel safe and warm and happy.  She fed me and took so many pictures of me, even while I was eating, she could not get enough of me, nor me her.
I was not allowed to sleep in bed with her as I needed to be crate trained.  I was a good dog, I even graduated at the top of my class in puppy training!! Mommy was so proud of me, she worked with me all day while daddy was working and then she would go to work and when she came home she worked me some more.  All of that work paid off as I was top dog in class!!

Mommy says I am the most adorable dog she has ever seen, God created me just for her and she sees heaven when she sees me.   She loves me very much and I love her very much, we are inseparable.  Now if you were to ask me who I loved more, Mommy or Jake, well I would have to say Mommy, there is no love like a mother's love and she loves me with all her heart and more and I am thankful for her and even more so than she is of me.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My reunion with Jake, the love of my life and best friend!!

Oh how my heart jumped for joy when I saw Jake today!!!!!!!!  We had not seen each other since he moved away with his family a little over a year ago.  Mommy kept the surprise quiet as she loaded me into the car, I thought Jake was coming to my house to play and I was worried when mommy loaded me into the car as I thought I would miss Jake's visit.  Only sneaky mommy was taking me to meet Jake at the park and when we pulled up next to the car holding my beloved friend I just went crazy!  

As soon as mommy opened the door I took off towards Jake and he and I ran and ran and ran and played non stop for 30 minutes.  I had so much fun that I even ignored the pond that was filled to the brim as it rained the day before and I am a lab and we like to swim so that speaks volumes of my love for Jake.  He and I did our thing, humped off and on, Jake licked my ears, I slobbered on him, we ran around and ran the whole 2 acres of land with nothing between us but the wind.  Jake is 5 years younger than me and I am a senior  citizen but I ran like I was a teenager.  So much so that right now I can not make up the steps to sleep with my mommy as I am so sore.  But bless my mommy she gave me pain pills and rubbed and rubbed me gently and soothed my sore aching muscles.  I am currently nice and cozy on the couch typing this before I turn in for the night.

Mommy said Jake is coming over to the house to visit me again this week, at least two more times, that is good because I do not think I can handle another run off leash play session where we run wild and free at top speed.  I think the confines of our back yard is just right.  After we played we shared a bowl of water but as soon as I heard Jake's parents say that they had to go, I threw myself at Jake and in turn stepped on and tipped the water bowl, splashing all the remaining water out and I snuggled up close to Jake as I just could not bare to see him leave me, not again.  But mommy knowing how much I love Jake re-assured me the separation was only a brief time apart and then we would see each other again.  I really, really do love Jake.
In more ways that one..............

Friday, April 10, 2009

I was gypped at the bank today!

OHHHH I could not believe what happened to me at the bank today!
Mommy took me with her to do her errands and she stopped by the bank and usually the Teller gives me a treat but not this time.
I was so upset and let mommy know this as I gave her my most saddest, broken hearted look I could muster.  
I was kind of hoping she would stop at a store and buy me something to make me happy but she did not do this, instead she took my picture and laughed saying, "Oh poor baby, mommy will give you tummy rubs later to make up for the mean Teller who forgot to give you a treat"
I have news for mommy since she thinks it is so funny, I am hogging the bed again tonight and hopefully wake up to find mommy sleeping scrunched up against the wall again!
I like my treats , and I prefer them over belly rubs, but maybe I wont hog the bed tonight, maybe, just maybe I will sit by the kitchen pantry door again and see if I can get a few more than just two treats, I am sure mommy will do this, let me try it now....................................................NOPE!!! did not work, mommy just walked by me and never even offered a treat or asked me to do a trick first, maybe because she is busy cleaning, oh well, I guess I will just hog the bed again.
If I could only get her to bring treats with her in the car so when the Teller forgets mommy can just give me one, there is no describing how bad one feels when they expect a treat and anxiously wait all the while drooling until you form a puddle at your paws and then get nothing, it is a cruel game, but mommy did give me belly rubs tonight, but still, I would much prefer the treat, a treat is  a dog's best friend.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Liking my new ball

Oh my mommy did me good tonight, she got me this cool ball that has little rubber strings that pull and pull and pull, at first I was afraid of the ball then I got the hang of it and so far I have not popped it.  I love this thing, the cat almost got into trouble tonight, mom left her paint supplies on the table and had just finished painting two pieces when she walked away and made sure all chairs were pushed in close to the table so the cat could not hop up like she did a week ago and got into mom's paints and made a mess.
Mom was with me in the living room and out of the corner of her eye she saw that damn sneaky cat on the table and I never saw my mommy run so fast!!!
She scooped her up and gently placed her on the floor, I was a little disappointed she did not get a tongue lashing, probably because mommy's paintings had not been ruined this time.
The cat I am sure was just looking for attention because mommy was playing with me and my new ball and the cat was just jealous.
She will get over it I am sure.  I have yet to call her, my sister by her name, I will when she stops messing with me, for now she is just the cat.
I would not mind using her as a chew toy here and there but she has claws and that is probably a good thing.  Otherwise I would carry her around and spit her out.
It may seem like I do not like my sister but I do, I love her, it is just well, since daddy left mommy has been all mine and I like it that way and my sister is trying to get in on the action and I do not want to share, I am needy and well, I am just needy.
I know mom loves us both, and calls us her kids, but well I just want to be the favorite, I am the baby of the family and well, am I not supposed to be spoiled????? 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I do not have cancer!!!!

Whew!!! Boy am I relieved! Mommy found another lump on me last night and was worried, I was too, that this time I did have cancer.  She was very calm though, did not cry, just said "if this is the big C word we will deal with it, life is not guaranteed to be painless or free from loss or suffering, but there is love and comfort and I will give you all I can Outlaw"  She was so happy today when the vet said it was a cyst, actually she called it an old man cyst.
Apparently us older gent's get these as we get older, who knew???
Now you would think that the cat would ease up on her wanting to torment me but alas that is not about to happen.
She keeps chasing me but she sneaks up on me now when I am walking in the dark and it scares the last remaining bits of sanity from me.  She even made me wear the bunny ears again and took a pic of me, she said, "Sit, stay, do as I say and you wont get hurt!"  I did as she said.
Why are cats so sneaky, I outweigh her by 60 pounds but she acts like she is the lion and I am the prey.  Oh how I would love to sneak up on her and scare her to her wits end.  I bet she could actually hang from the ceiling by her claws if I scared her just right.
She is actually 14 years old but full of spunk that is for sure.
Anyway, I am happy, mommy is happy and the cat who gives a @##@@ what she thinks, if mommy knew how I felt about the cat she would take away my blogging privilege's for sure, so i do not want to discuss Lucifer's spawn any longer as when I do I get carried away.
But boy how i love how she snuggles up to mommy and acts so innocent and full of love and sweetness when mommy is around.
One day the truth will come out and when it does I will have a front row seat for the best show on earth!!!  Haaa, well, you know, maybe too the reason that cat is acting up is because I do let her know by rubbing it in actually that I get to go with mommy on car rides and she doesn't.
Like they say, "there are two sides to every story" now who is the real sneaky one ;-)))

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Where is she??!!

I am so damn tired of having to live my life in constant fear!  I am always and forever looking over my shoulder and wondering if today is the day she is going to strike!
I am of course referring to my sibling, the cat, her name is Mandy but I am going to refer to her from now on as the cat, aka the cat from hell, lucifer's spawn, the evil one, etc.
She was the first addition in my mother's life, she arrived 2 years before my daddy and mommy met, then after 2 years of being with mommy and daddy both I came along and she retreated to the far corners of the house.  she was always kind of jealous of me, and she let me know very quickly that she was the Alpha leader in the family, she did this by swiping my nose twice with her razor sharp claws and it took only two times for me to learn my lesson and to stay the distance.
All was well, and she left me alone but then when daddy left, she came around more often, she and I both clung to mom and I think we were just afraid that mommy would leave us too so we never let her out of our sights.  I did not try and get in the way of the cat showing mom love because the funny thing is the cat was kind of anti social when daddy was around but once he left the cat was very attentive and full of love and even brushed up against me from time to time, and I liked it.
she was showing me love for once, and we got along and we played chase sometimes, but then she began to change, it was as if she lured me into a false sense of comfort and love.  
I noticed a few months back that if I had my head on mom's lap, the cat would pounce on her lap and demand attention, if my head was being rubbed the cat would pounce over and put her head in mom's hands and want rubbed, if mom was giving me a treat or a sample of what she was eating , the cat came over for some too.
I was getting pretty sick of this as mom and I have always been one, now the cat wants in on all the action.  but lately, lately she has been evil.  If I take a nap while mom is away, I wake up to find the cat staring at me and it scares me to the point I feel I am about to loose control of my bowels and I think that is what she wants,  mom would be so mad at me if I had an accident in the house and this cat I feel is trying to make this happen via fear.
If I walk into the kitchen the cat comes out of no where and chases me and then swipes at me with her Freddy Kruger like fingernails and that alone makes me want to run through the walls to the safe outside to get away from her, she scares me and for some reason mom thinks she just wants to play and be friends.
Of course she would think this because the cat comes up to me in front of mommy all the time and purrs while rubbing up against my leg, or head.  I stand there in fear and afraid to move for what she will do next, but as long as mommy is watching the cat does nothing but show me love only thing is I know what she is really like when I am left alone with her, and she scares me.
I am looking over my shoulder in fear all the time, afraid she is going to turn into some possessed being and chase me throughout the house until i have a heart attack.
if there was only a way to catch her in the act, I mean, mommy catch her in the act.  Mommy needs to know what the cat is up to.  I may have to create a trap, hmmmm, I will work on that now, and let you know in my next post how things have turned out.  Cats, hmmmph, they say they are sneaky and I personally know from experience and first hand accounts just how sneaky they can truly be!!!!