Sunday, February 8, 2009

Crazy Daisy

Oh what a treat I had today!!! Mommy took me out for an adventure and that makes two Sundays in a row!! Last Sunday she took me with her to her favorite spot, Tarara Winery, she enjoys the scenic walks and enjoys taking pictures.  I enjoy the fact there is a large body of water there to swim in, only mom has never let me swim there before.  There is a sign that says "Beware Large Snapping Turtle" so mom never lets me swim.

On this day in particular she let go of my leash as she was preoccupied with the images she was trying to capture with her camera.  I saw my chance and made a run for it.  Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of me and I know this because she began yelling, "Outlaw, Outlaw, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!"  Haaa, too late, I made it to the water's edge and there was no stopping me, I jumped in and enjoyed a nice polar swim. The water was cold, I mean hell it is Feb and there was ice on the lake too.  Did not stop me though, I love to swim and swim I did.  I even found a few sticks to play with in the water and then I rubbed myself in the mud, over and over again, making myself very dirty.

I love to roll in the mud, mommy just laughed and took pictures of me.  I am a yellow lab and after the mud roll I looked pretty much like a chocolate lab.  She had to take me to a store called the Pet Loft to wash me, but I had fun.  Today however, I was so happy when she invited me to come along with her again, she grabbed my leash and put me in the truck and off we went.

Only thing though, she did not warn me that she was going to stop by her friend's house and invite her friend and her crazy dog to come along with us.  Her friend's dog is a small, nervous, or should I say anxiety ridden dog who they have aptly named, "Crazy Daisy" haaa that bitch is crazy.  We all went to the dog park and Crazy Daisy went nuts after the other dogs at that park, but she got along well with me, makes no sense.  Anyway, there was some water at the park, oh so much water and I wanted to swim so bad.  I tried to pull my mom over to the water's edge but she would not budge, sure I weight close to 80 pounds but she was determined not to let me swim again.  At one point I felt a moment of relaxation in her grip and lunged toward the water and almost pulled her with me but her determination outweighed my desire and attempt.  I failed, she won.  No swimming today.

But, I did enjoy the walk, but back to Crazy Daisy.  That bitch was insane, here we were trying to walk and enjoy the day and Crazy Daisy wanted to attack all the dogs that came within 50 yards of her.  I am 10 years old, I am too old to put up with that growling and jumping around and crazy behavior.  I was so embarrassed too, I enjoy people coming up to me, petting my head and rubbing my ears and Crazy Daisy was keeping me from enjoying myself.  She probably only weighs about 14 pounds and at one point I felt like drop kicking her to shut her up.  Mommy would not allow me the pleasure to do that and heck, I was still trying to get into the water, so I behaved around the crazy behavior.  Crazy Daisy at one point jumped up and lunged towards this little poodle and almost took a bite before her mommy yanked on the leash and caused her to do a spin in the air.  I thought that was funny, I thought, "Haaa, you crazy bitch serves you right"  although she gets along well with me, I do not understand why she can not get along with other dogs.  I only just met her today and had no problem but she completely zapped out at the park.

I do not think we are going to do that again.  But it was a fun day, I am so happy mommy took me with her today.  I have the best mommy, she really loves me.  I would not trade her in for anything, plus to have to re-train another human at this point would be exhausting.  I let her think she is Alpha dog but hey, what she does not know wont hurt her.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Outlaw just checking our your blog.. Yeah you do have a good Mommy. Hey I love the Bunny ears you looks so cute outlaw. I see you went swimming.. I just hate getting my paws wet..Mommy makes me go out in the rain to go potty and I just hate it.. A girl like me needs to be pampered.. Well have to run Big boy. Check ya later!
Love always Lacy Lou the Shipoo! XOXOX