So this is how I earned my wings...well, first I had a great mommy who showed me so much love. Ever since I was a puppy she adored me and loved me and spoiled me. She trained me and gave me structure and discipline, we growing boys and girls need that. All the love she gave me showed me how to love in return. I was drawn to her and she was drawn to me. I always knew she would give me an ear rub or head rub if I placed my head in her lap and did that often. Or heck, if I felt a little insecure she would do that for me if I came up to her. When I wanted a neck or back rub I just put my head in her lap and then once her hand petted my head I quickly turned around and backed into her and she knew what I wanted. Oh yeah, I had her trained!!!!
But all the love she showed me in turn made me a very loving lab, she took me to visit our friend Patsy and I quickly realized I make people happy!!!! When we walked down the hallway people came up to me and smiled and I realized my presence brought happiness and I LOVED seeing their smiles and would wag my tail for them and sit and let them pet me and rub my head and heck OK I was spoiled, but it was a win win situation for me, I made them happy and that made me happy and I also got a few rubs and pets here and there, and let me just say I was really in a good mood because as you know from reading previous posts, I am a crotch sniffing dog and I was doing my best to get all the scents down ( mommy kept pulling me away from people in wheelchairs that could not get away from my attempts) so yeah, it was a win win for me all the way around!!!
Mommy is happy knowing I am in heaven because she knows she will see me again. I will explain how she knows in more detail in another post, but she is happy knowing I am with our Lord and free of pain and suffering and very happy, she looks forward to seeing me again and when I look down I see her joy, yes, she misses me greatly and cries a tear or two in remembrance but she smiles through it as she knows we are only separated for a season. She may get another puppy in her future but she and I both know there will NEVER EVER be another OUTLAW!!!! God truly broke the mold after he made me, and he did MAKE me just for mommy and we both know this. I am also keeping an eye on my sister Mandy from up here and she is being very good with mommy and she only swatted at her three times, she misses me and is mourning and has since stopped swatting her when she tries to pet her. I have another post about my sister knowing how the ashes are mine, bless her heart, she truly did love me, and I truly did love her too.
Well, I have more swimming to do and I wont post as often as I used to because there is so much love and joy and swimming in heaven for me I forget but I will continue from time to time. P.S Mommy, I really love you and thank you for being a great mommy to me, and keep on going on the walks!!!!