Saturday, June 5, 2010

My new fence, and oasis

Well mommy finally had a fence put up for me.  The things, many, many things she does for me.  OK, lets not kid ourselves she does these things for herself too but I do reap the benefits.  Although the fence was truly the main reason she had it put up.  And I am glad she did.  The previous owner of the house created this rather peaceful oasis of sorts in the back yard.  She had a green thumb for sure. Ha, mommy sure doesn't.  But the saving grace here is the plants were already well established.  Mommy should not be able to kill these, God help her.  She does not have a green thumb, but her mom sure did.  She actually grew two trees one from a  lemon seed, and the other from an orange seed.  Mommy has yet to try it, huh, I have a great idea of mommy.  She has been trying to think of what she can plant in honor of her mother's memory and how fitting would it be if she actually planted an orange seed and it grew!!!!!  AWESOME IDEA!!! Now to try and figure out to get mommy to do this.  I can not speak so I am going to be left to come up with a rather interesting ploy or tactic to introduce the idea to her.  She has oranges from when she made orange chicken, I am so waiting for her to venture onto a new recipe already (not that it is not good, but she seems to stick with things when they are good and needs to explore a little more and broaden her horizons) maybe I will play with an orange on the floor, chew into it really hard and squirt out a seed and hopefully if I position the attempt just right, the seed will hit her in the face and get her attention.  Just a thought.  It has to hit her so she will notice it, come on already.  I was not going to do it to be mean, unlike when I hog the bed at night when she forgets to walk me, oh yeah I let her know when I am upset but this is just my attempt to get her to come up with the idea on her own.

Her mother loved her orange tree and lemon tree so this would be fitting for her to do.  But back to the fence.  Yes, I do love my fence now.  I can walk around and enjoy the yard and the way the yard was established I can see where it is a haven of sorts for mommy.  She likes to sit by the pond in the evenings and sip a glass of wine while listening to the water fall.  I sit out there with her and roam the fence, see this is where the fence is a blessing for mommy.  She can sit near the pond and sip her wine and not have to hold onto my leash and I can roam about freely.  She does worry though that I may jump into the pond.  OK, so I thought about it a time or two but wont do it.  Today we are just hanging in the house doing minor repairs and putting up curtain rods.  Mommy would hire a handyman but she is really burned out right now with trying to hire anyone because it seems she has hired every crack head in Ohio, at least according to her friend who says he never met anyone who had more bad luck with contractors than her.  And she has had many a bad luck.  But anyway, she will attempt most things herself then go from there if need be.

She enjoys doing things on her own, she gets a sense of accomplishment from it.  So this is really going to be a tough choice with how to get her to come up with the orange tree on her own, which again is why the seed needs to hit her in the face, I will try and miss her eye.  LOL, maybe, depends if she makes me mad this day or not.  I do love her, but I just want her all to myself.  Well, I can hear her down there trying to find the tape measure and screw driver so she can put up the curtain rods, better go help in any way I can.  

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