Thursday, December 10, 2009

I met Santa!!!!

Whooo hooo!!! Mommy did it, she finally did it!!! She took me to meet Santa for the first time in my entire 11 years on this earth and I was over the moon happy to meet him!!! He liked me too, he said I was a good boy, does that mean I am getting lots of presents this year?? I think so, mommy tells me I have been a good boy this year too.
Now, just because my sister, Mandy is not in the picture don't fret. She had no desire to venture out into the cold to meet Santa. She is a rather bah humbug king of gal. poor baby, but I am going to buy her something very special this year. I still can not get over meeting Santa. Mommy found out where he was going to be and showed up with me in tow and voila it was done. Mommy has a way of making things happen. I think she carries around magic dust from time to time just to make my life exciting.
She also took me to see the festival of lights and it was amazing!!!! I will have to put that experience in another blog, she actually allowed me for the first time ever to sit in the front seat of her car to see the lights better!!! It was fun. Tomorrow night we are going to the training facility where I endured book camp and we are going to use my paws to paint a card and Christmas wrapping paper. Mommy finds the funniest things to do with me.
Here is a funny note though, she has spent over 100 dollars since Sept in bathing me at the Mutts and Company pet store. She I know loves me dearly and allows me to swim or play at the dog park knowing i will get dirty and then she bathes me. We actually received a discount the last time we went as mommy spent 100. They said she is a valued customer, hee heeee. We were looking at a house, an old converted 130 yr old farm house with a beautiful river behind it and she took me with her, needless to say I found the river and jumped in and got dirty.....well, that might be a driving point not to get that house!! She would never be able to let me out unsupervised for fear I will run and jump in.
Rightfully so as I would do this, just like I did last January when she took me to the frozen lake in VA and I ran and jumped in, ice did not bother me and I had so much fun rolling in the mud. My first post talks of that. I guess being named Outlaw fits me, although when people meet me they say I am not an Outlaw at all but an angle. Nice knowing I have people fooled. Not mommy of course but others yes. Mommy is my biggest love in my life, we are best buds and really does take great care of me and I am so glad she has me, my life is filled with constant love and warmth and protection and not to mention a very nice life.......

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