Well I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday week so far, I know I have!!! I woke up to lots of presents for me to open up, and I was in doggy heaven opening all the presents as they were all for me!!! Mommy sat on the floor and laughed while taking my picture and she has yet to download them. I want to post them for you all to see. And Mandy well she was just not that into opening gifts but she liked her gifts.
Mommy always gives her a can of wet food on the holiday's and this year she gave her this cool plastic mouse with wheels that moves really fast. You pull it back then let it go forward and it zips around and Mandy loves chasing it, so fun to watch. I think mommy took a picture of her playing with it too. It snowed last night and well as a matter of fact it is snowing again right now. I love snow. Mommy let me out on the deck last night and I ran around and did some spins and sprints on the deck as the snow was falling and I war trying to catch the flakes.
Mommy then took me out back to play in the yard and laughed while I did major sprints and ran in circles and around trees and bushes and out of sight and as it was dark, she laughed because she could see my white body zipping back and forth. She laughed so much I knew I was entertaining her so I kept it up to make her laugh. It is so cold out right now, I do not know how to tell mommy that I want and need some snow boots!! My paws get cold out there in the snow, and it is so freaking cold outside when we walk I want to be able to stay out longer than a few minutes. I keep lifting my paws up and holding my paw one by one in the air, hoping it will give her a hint but so far nothing. I suppose I should pull up a web site after I am done posting and hopefully she will get the hint.
Mommy also bought me a very cute and handsome collar that I am wearing in the photo, she says it makes me look classy. She also bought me this new and very ( I have to admit it) preppy new collar and leash!!! It is blue and kind of checkered with different colours but it is masculine and distinguished looking and I love it of course!!! She says it is a special occasion item because it is so pretty, uh I like to use the word masculine, and when she walks me downtown or takes me on vacations with her or to events then I can wear it, but she also allows me to wear it on walks, but not to the dog park. She knows sometimes I pee on my leash and she does not want that to happen so I think she will be on strict observations with me when I do get to wear it.
I mean come on I am 11 now so I think I can manage not to pee on it, well maybe because I am 11 I may not be able to aim better due to age and could end up peeing on it, that would be something I can see happening so maybe she is right. I will agree this time. But too maybe she will allow me to wear it in the house sometimes just to make me feel special and in fashion. Ohhhh I may actually find a girlfriend wearing this too, it really is a beautiful piece of work. Mommy has good taste. But I really do need and want those booties, maybe she can get me a hat to wear as well, that would be nice and a sweater. She saw a sweater for dogs downtown so maybe she will go back and get it for me, you know it would be nice to be warm and protected during this cold weather. As I get older I feel I need to be pampered more.
Of course in the house I just snuggle up to mommy every chance I get to stay warm and to feel the love, I love feeling the love from mommy as she really knows how to give me the love. And I love her too because she spoils me so much, just yesterday she gave me a very special holiday treat that she got from the vet, a kind of treat that fights bacteria in my mouth and helps clean my teeth and it is a raw hide and I love raw hides, it is awesome, woof!!!!!! Just awesome and groovy! When she goes into the kitchen I follow her to see if she is going to the cabinet so I can get another one.
She is onto me of course and just laughs and tells me to go to my Matt. Now sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't!! Like the other night when someone came to the door, for some reason i was wired tight. I began barking and barking like crazy and she would not open the door until I settled down, I was on my Matt where she told me to go and every time she turned her back to go to the door I would bark, then she would turn around and tell me not to talk back to her and to be quiet, but then when she turned her back I would bark and she was not happy.
I on the other hand found it amusing because I quickly learned that by barking when she turned her back she would turn back around and come to me, just like a child, but it worked. Eventually she did manage to get me to be quite, and the poor visitor in the cold thought they had the wrong house as mommy was not opening the door. Finally she did and finally they came in, and I of course was the sweet little pup everyone loves and it was no wonder the visitor said, "Oh you should not call him Outlaw as he is an angle" Haaaaaaa!!!! Little does he know that I do live up to my name, but not so much since mommy has had me to herself. Anyway, all is good in our little family and now I am going to lay down on my Matt and watch the snow fall outside and find a way to get mommy to buy me some booties!!!!